Friday 26 November 2010

We're in the Press!

This week has been rather exciting for us here at as one of our products has generated alot of interest and appeared in several publications. The Lost Railways of the Forest of Dean (Severn and Wye) was first picked up by a multimedia distribution company and with a large batch of DVD's heading to them this week will be on sale across the country in time for Christmas.

Shortly after, a review of the DVD appeared in the Dean Forest's Railway magazine announcing that the product was " a smashing DVD to have on your shelf and one that will keep fans of the Dean Forest Railway very happy"

Our last appearance in print this week appeared yesterday in the Forest's local paper aptly called "The Forester" and despite the somewhat dubious headline (!) once again publicised the DVD along with a photo of Aaron and Alan.

We have a new DVD coming out shortly along with some cool clothing items and other fun stuff which Aaron has designed so keep checking back for more updates soon, and don't forget to follow us on facebook too!

Sunday 14 November 2010 helps the BBC again!

Two weeks ago we blogged that we provided some footage for the BBC which featured on 'Countryfile'. Yesterday we assisted the BBC once more in aid of Children in Need.

Having filmed a charity rugby match an employee of the Beeb needed a promo quickly edited to feature on Wales' Scrum V programme today. With no editors to hand they contacted Alan on Friday night (having worked with him before) and asked if he could edit the promo the following day. As it was for such a good cause Alan said yes and spent Saturday down at the BBC headquarters in Cardiff. Not only did he manage to complete the promo but he also managed to assist Pudsey himself while filming for the big night.

The promo went out tonight in the middle of the programme and Bearleft is proud to have offered a day's editing free of charge for such a good cause.