Wednesday 30 November 2011

T'was the Month before Christmas, and all through the office.....

was non-stop, knuckling down, and getting on with some hard work!

You may have noticed that the tweets & facebook posts from us may have dried up lately, which usually happens around this time, and this year is no exception! Among creating promotional videos & training materials for private clients we've also been working on other things......

The first is of course making sure that all of our DVD's are available for the Christmas shoppers and with our Amazon shop up and running over Christmas for the first time, this has been a task in itself! In fact our last DVD Hywel Morgan's Fly Tying - Stillwater Patterns has been selling so many we have received numerous emails from Amazon warning us of low stock levels!!! Fortunately we are well prepared and have enough in storage to meet demand!

We also received this glowing review of "The Complete Cast" - "Bought this for one of my sons as he knows all I can teach him. This taught me some new techniques and ideas and I've been fishing for 50 odd years. Most informative and very easy to appreciate and learn new skills. Highly recommended."

You can find all of our products on Amazon, Ebay and of course our own website at :  where you can also see trailers before you buy. All of the fishing DVD's are also available from Hywel Morgan's website at The Lost Railway series is currently on sale in the Forest of Dean at the Dean Forest Railway, Coleford Railway Museum and the Dean Heritage Centre.

...and if that's not enough to keep track off we are currently on the brink of releasing one of our two new projects with Hywel which we have been working on throughout the entire year. It is currently entitled "4 Seasons - Bank Fishing on Stillwaters" and we hope it will be out in time for Christmas (It's being edited as I type - nothing like working to the wire)  :-)

The weekend is also shaping up to be quite exciting with us filming two very different events. At the first we will be filming an extrodinary sight as a man attempts to pull a 16 tonne lorry single handed and then it's off to North Wales to meet up with hywel at a Graling competition and hopefully film more episodes for his Webcast channel. We will also be trying out some interesting camera angles and hope to get shots several metres above the river bank - Some interesting pics to follow!

Thursday 3 November 2011

John Coppinger Interview

At the beginning of October we hinted in this blog and on Facebook that we were off to interview someone special. That person was artist,writer, designer and sculptor John Coppinger. For those of you that don't know John he has worked on numerous films throughout the years including The Dark Crystal, Return of the Jedi and The Fifth Element to name but a few. During that time he has helped create some of the most famous characters in movie history. With the opportunity to visit John in his workshop too good to miss we headed up there and  found out how he began his career and what it was like to work behind the scenes on some iconic find out how Jabba the Hutt met his demise after filming!